
Members of the “Purple Saturdays” movement have protested against the imprisonment of women by the Taliban under the pretext of “protection from gender violence”

Members of the “Purple Saturdays” movement have protested against the imprisonment of women by the Taliban under the pretext of “protection from gender violence”. They argue that the recent report by the United Nations confirms that Afghan women are being imprisoned by the Taliban under the guise of protection. The movement highlights the disproportionate treatment of women in Afghanistan and accuses the Taliban of suppressing women through various means, such as closing schools, universities, and recreational places, as well as imposing restrictions on women’s work and travel. The movement questions the rationale behind imprisoning women who are victims of gender violence without proof of a crime or the presence of a male guardian (mahram). They express concerns about the safety and well-being of these women in Taliban prisons, citing reports of sexual assaults. The movement condemns the Taliban’s anti-feminist policies and calls on the international community, human rights organizations, protest movements, and the people of Afghanistan to speak out against these acts of violence. They also urge the United Nations to take practical and urgent measures to protect women victims of violence and to collaborate with women’s protest movements and human rights organizations in Afghanistan. The movement demands the release of female prisoners and victims of gender violence and emphasizes the need for monitoring Taliban prisons throughout Afghanistan. They argue that the Taliban’s actions aim to silence any voice advocating for Rights, justice, freedom, and human rights.