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The Purple Saturdays Movement stands in solidarity with the recent announcement made by the UNAMA office in Kabul , Afghanistan

The Purple Saturdays Movement stands in solidarity with the recent announcement made by the UNAMA office in Kabul . This announcement marks a significant stride towards securing the rights of Afghan women. The UNAMA office has reported that on 31st December, officials of the de facto Department for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, in collaboration with de facto Police, began enforcing the 25th April 2022 hijab decree. This enforcement involved arbitrary arrests, detentions, and verbal warnings to a large number of women and girls accused of “not wearing proper hijab.” Most of these arrests have occurred in West Kabul/Dasht e-Barchi, a Hazara-dominated area, and Khair Khana, populated mainly by Tajiks and communities from Panjshir. The majority of the detained women were released after several hours, with their mahram signing a guarantee that they will adhere to the hijab decree in the future. However, the enforcement measures involving physical violence are particularly demeaning and dangerous for Afghan women and girls, carrying a stigma that places them at even greater risk. These actions contradict the hijab decree itself, which outlines a series of steps for its enforcement, including warnings, summoning of the mahram, and potential imprisonment for repeat violations. The Purple Saturdays Movement applauds the UNAMA office’s efforts to monitor these of the Taliban group , extended periods of detention, incommunicado detention, and demands for payment in exchange for release. We believe that this announcement is a positive step towards securing the rights of Afghan women and will continue to support efforts that promote their safety, dignity, and freedom. We stand with the women of Afghanistan.  

#PurpleSaturdaysMovement #StandWithAfghanWomen #UNAMA #HumanRights