
Why the Purple Saturdays Movement Issues a Defiant Call: “We Will Not Shut Down, We Will Not Tolerate Oppression, We Will Fight”

The Purple Saturdays movement has become a symbol of resistance and defiance in the face of the oppressive rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan. The movement’s recent public call—”We will not shut down, we will not tolerate oppression, we will fight”—reflects a deep-seated determination to resist the brutal violations of human rights, particularly those against women, that have marked the three years of Taliban rule.
 The State of Human Rights Under Taliban Rule
Since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan, the situation for human rights, especially for women, has deteriorated rapidly and drastically. Women, once beginning to reclaim their space in Afghan society through education, work, and participation in public life, now face severe restrictions. The Taliban’s regime has reimposed draconian measures that strip women of their basic rights and dignity. These include:
-Forced Hijab and Dress Codes: Women are forced to adhere to strict dress codes, including the mandatory hijab. Failure to comply can lead to severe punishment.
– Prohibition of Education and Employment: Girls and women are banned from attending schools and universities. Women’s participation in the workforce has been drastically reduced, with many being forced out of jobs and confined to their homes.
– Forced Marriages and Sexual Violence: The Taliban has been reported to forcibly marry women and girls, often under the threat of violence. Reports of sexual assault and rape, often perpetrated by Taliban fighters, have become increasingly common.
– Torture and Imprisonment: Men and women who resist or are suspected of dissent face torture and brutal conditions in Taliban prisons. Women, in particular, are subjected to sexual violence and torture within these facilities.
These actions are not isolated incidents but part of a systematic effort to enforce a brutal regime of control and subjugation, particularly targeting women. The Taliban’s rule has become synonymous with the crushing of freedoms and the violation of basic human rights.
The Purple Saturdays Movement: A Beacon of Resistance
In response to this oppression, the Purple Saturdays movement has emerged as a powerful symbol of resistance. The movement, driven by Afghanistan women and their allies, seeks to draw international attention to the atrocities being committed under Taliban rule.
The public call issued by the movement is not just a slogan but a rallying cry. “We will not shut down” asserts the movement’s refusal to be silenced by fear or force. “We will not tolerate oppression” declares their rejection of the Taliban’s brutal tactics and the international community’s passive acceptance of the situation. Finally, “we will fight” is a vow to continue resisting, regardless of the dangers, until justice and human rights are restored in Afghanistan.
 An Urgent Call to the International Community
The movement’s call to action is also a plea to the international community and the United Nations. It is a demand for immediate and decisive action to address the human rights crisis in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s actions are in clear violation of international human rights standards, and the silence or inaction of the global community only emboldens the perpetrators.
The international community must take steps to hold the Taliban accountable for their crimes. This includes imposing sanctions, increasing diplomatic pressure, and providing support to those resisting the regime. The United Nations, in particular, must take a more active role in protecting the rights of Afghan citizens, especially women, who are bearing the brunt of the Taliban’s brutality.
The Purple Saturdays movement embodies the courage and resilience of Afghanistan women who refuse to bow to oppression. Their defiant call to the world serves as a reminder that the fight for human rights in Afghanistan is far from over. It is a call that demands a response—not just in words, but in concrete actions to support those who continue to resist the Taliban’s reign of terror. The international community cannot afford to stand by as these brave individuals fight for the basic human dignity that everyone deserves.
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